Hi Guys,
So this blog is an educative, interactive and fun platform. In all seriousness, let's have fun through it all whilst reading, pondering and working towards our goals because I tell ya, fun is one trait needed in our lives.

 Down to it, lets geh downnnn to it lol.
I'm sure most people see personal stylists and stylists as the same. But I'm here to sorta clear up the confusion. They are of the same family but not...the...same...gender. Let's put it that way lol

A personal stylist is someone who typically advices an individual on anything fashion. Like new trends in clothing, beauty and all that pertaining to that.
While a Stylist is a person whose job is predominantly to manage fashion shoots, Ad campaigns, video shoots and so on.

Now, our concern on STYLERAPY leads to the individual personal stylist.

A personal stylist helps to streamline ones closet full of quality essentials- loved and well worn. They help people have an overall vision behind their closet. They change people's closet from being glorified storage units to a gallery of fine and appealing options. They help individuals know what they want their closet to be about before filling it up with the right pieces.

These are just the basic traits of a personal stylist. There's more to them than just this but that's another topic for another day.
Basically guys, this is just an intro to the goal we aim to achieve and that's instilling confidence in men and women both, in all areas, especially the outward approach/appearance which in all terms , is called STYLE.

What do you guys think? What have I left out?
Let's interact and learn from each other by leaving comments in the section below or send me a mail to to know more.

Redefining style psychology in the '17


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