

Fashion is about clothing. Culture is about lifestyle. One thing I’ve learnt in life, through formal and informal education is that most things are intertwined. Most things are related. So the interrelatedness of things shouldn’t come as a surprise to all. Fashion and culture are very much intertwined. Looks and living are very much closer than we think. How will there be clothing without having a way of life? How does it sound? Fashion makes up a certain part of our culture. Though, sometimes, culture is usually modified to be modern, let’s take that as changing. Fashion also, changes. It evolves. We don’t expect to be stuck with what was worn in the early days. And as culture, fashion is always modified to be modern. If we take a look back at the fashion shows last year, showcasing the spring trends, we’d see that most designers went back into the 80’s, did their ‘magic’ and voila! We have the contemporary 80’s fashion in 2018! How cool is that?! Also, fas


Guilty? Lol, not a bad thing. Not guilty? Listen.                       There are some women that match their underwear’s and have the best days, they sometimes feel like if they don’t, their day will be ruined. Now, let’s get this. If you’ve been following up with my blog posts, you’d understand that style/fashion psychology is legit and it’s a big deal. One needs to understand why something’s are just the way they are, honestly. (Note: Fashion Psychology is the study of how color, style, shape, and image affect human behavior, while addressing cultural norms and sensitivities. )                    There’s a quote I’d like to share from a Fashion Psychologist, the founder of the Fashion Psychology Institute. She’s also a professor at the Fashion Institute of Technology, popularly called FIT in NYC(dream city). She said, and I quote “For some women, not wearing a matched set ruins their day—even though no one can see it! That indicates a somewhat controlled, pa


 Hi guys! Lets talk vision. In this modern age, we can't really tell the difference between the people who have 10/20 vision and those who have a perfect 20/20 vision as wearing spectacles have emerged a trend in fashion. Individuals wear glasses to make a fashion statement or the simple, because they really need it. Word on the block is that individuals that wear glasses are very intelligent people. They look more sophisticated, responsible, and dependable. Now doesn't that seem a little biased? Like anyone could go get an eye glass. Does that mean they have these traits, automatically? This is a case of perception versus reality, for the individual and others alike. Research suggests that wearing glasses can not only change peoples perception of you, it can also alter the way you think about yourself. Eye glasses can become a part of a persons persona. The aesthetic qualities that come from wearing glasses are actually what i listed above. Those are the high key qu


Hi people. First and foremost, to dissect the topic. The color RED is strongly linked to desire and attraction. Therefore psychologically, research has shown that wearing red clothes make women look more attractive to men. With that, men are more likely to approach a woman for a date, if she’s wearing RED .  I mean there’s just something about that color, right guys…                                                                                                    PHOYOGRAPHED BY: @CAPTUREDBYTESS Now hold up guys, I’m not insinuating that this goes for all men. But I’d deduct just a few percentages from the 100%. We all have our very different perspective on things and in my own opinion, I’d say that most men embrace the flashy and shade the dull….. Colors contribute more than just the aesthetics. They carry specific meanings such as good or bad and that in turn has important influences on ones psychological functioning, I want women to ponder on this. Do you prefe


Hi there. I've been anticipating this launch for a while now and finally, the day is here! What am I talking about? Okay. Unveiling the Brand Name: Co'Capo Co'Capo is a contemporary head wrap and beach wrap brand. Yes, head wrap! Beach wrap! Finally we have a brand catering to our wrap needs! So basically, Co'Capo is into scarves and sarongs, both for beach purposes and any other purpose. It's a multi-purpose merchandise. Both the scarves and sarongs can be worn at the beach, by the pool, as a scarf, or as a shawl. So it's literally an all purpose stuff. It can be worn in many ways as it would add a colourful vibe and an artistic flair to ones look and wardrobe. Who's into scarves in general? I am... Gotta let you guys in on my style hack/secret. So for those of us ladies that don't usually dig belts( I don't at all), I use my scarves as belt lol. I feel it adds an eccentric vibe to whatever style I plan on rocking that requ

Shoe Seal

Heyyo style savvy people. When you hear shoe seal, I guess you know where I'm headed. We don't need lessons to know that having something to protect our foot is a must own item. Or who would love going around on barefoot? I guess nobody. Shoes are the items created for us to protect our foot from almost all, usually with sturdy soles. Shoes are an accessory and they have the complete say in a look. Stylish and fashion conscious people know that footwear makes the style seal. They often say 'Good shoes certainly make a style statement'. Which I find to be hellla true. Picture this: as a female, there's a dinner event. And I was invited. I order a lovely dress, all sparkly and chic from maybe say Mai Atafo ( Nigerian Designer) and got my hair done at maybe say, Sari's Signature (Nigerian Hairstylist) and make up done by maybe say 'bmpro' (Nigerian  Make up Artist) and ofcourse, use a perfume. Let's choose RiRi by Rihanna lol. So all done an

Christocentric Principle

Hey guys, I decided to chip in a little bit of The Word today. Life isn't really complete without learning these things. This is for all religion, all who believe in God. No matter the name you call Him. If you believe there is God, then this is for you. Who's heard of the Christocentric Principle of the biblical understanding? Ok. Simply put, it means that everything we know about God, angels, Satan, human hopes, and the whole universe is best understood when viewed in relationship to Jesus Christ. He is at the Center. Recently, I discovered that one of the less familiar Old Testament books, Zechariah, is one of the most christocentric. This book basically, is a good example as it speaks of Christ's humility, humanity, betrayal, deity, crucifixion, return and future reign. We should be encouraged to look for more Christ centered truths. Both in other parts of the bible and in all of life. Keep Jesus in the middle of everything. Let's live a christocentric lif